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by Integrated Recovery Foundation

Sean Buck

22 veterans will commit suicide today.
Women Veterans Need Your Help.

“Suicide risk associated with Military Sexual Trauma remains significantly elevated.”
 American Journal of Preventive Medicine (AJPM)

There are an estimated one million women victims of Military Sexual Trauma (MST). Most victims are assaulted more than once and 80% do not report their assault because of fear of retaliation. When left untreated MST has a high correlation with: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), substance abuse, family disintegration, divorce, eating disorders, homelessness and suicide. Women ages 18 -29 are 12 times more likely to attempt suicide than non-veteran women are.


You can help IRF save lives by supporting our integrated recovery program for Military Sexual Trauma (MST) and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Please help IRF help those who served for you by making a gift and asking your friends, family, colleagues, and peers to join you in support this important mission. It's easy to set up your own fundraising page and goal which you can then send to anyone you like via email or posting the link to your page on any social media platform. 

For example, you can make a gift of $100, and then ask others to join you in supporting IRF via your customized fundraising page. If just nine of those you contact also make a $100 gift, you will have raised $1,000 for IRF! Maybe you would like to give $10 instead? Or $50. It is entirely up to you, you can set your own goal. In any case, at any level, setting up a fundraising page of your own, which you can then share, is easy - just click on the link at the top of the column on the right: "FUNDRAISE WITH US."

We thank you advance for your desire to come along side us and make it possible for IRF to save lives and to heal women suffering from Military Sexual Trauma (MST). 



$1,000 GOAL

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has ended. Believers Funded
This appeal has ended.